Register for this one-of-a-kind, once per year, 3-month certificate program committed to collective liberation by increasing awareness, unlearning oppressive social patterns, repairing relationships and building trust & belonging.
This is NOT a summit. Go beyond conventional DEI to where bias and breakdown lives: in the body.
There is no other program like this in the world.
Meet Your 2023 Faculty
These internationally recognized leaders, practitioners, scholars and presenters bring to life a learning environment that spans topics ranging from race and resilience to building alliances across differences, from decolonizing the body to the relationship between personal healing and social action
Together, they comprise the most diverse faculty bodies to address this emerging body of wisdom.
[click on each image for brief bios]
Program Content & Benefits
The program follows a simple structure of twice-weekly classes, practical workshops, and integrative learning conversations that culminate in a collaborative creative project focused on real-world applications.
Here's what your program includes access to:
Curated Leading-Edge Faculty
- 20+ internationally known teachers, presenters and scholars working at the intersections of embodiment and social justice
- Representation across race, gender, cultural heritage, economic backgrounds, life experience and more
Innovative & Flexible Program Design
- More than 60 hours of experiential virtual learning
- 25+ unique modules over four distinct learning areas
- Integration sessions designed to apply topics to your personal and professional life
- Watch live sessions and replays as needed
- NEW: "Night Watch" facilitated session re-casts at 4pm PT/7pm ET
Extensive Connection & Learning opportunities
- IMPROVED: Post-session breakouts for student engagement [optional]
- IMPROVED: Facilitated "Collective Connections" Affinity + Full Group sessions [optional]
- EXPANDED: "Skin In The Game & Solidarity" pre-session training for White-Bodied Students
- Participant-selected Community forums [optional]
- Opportunity to collaborate with fellow participants on final projects
Resources & Support Materials
- Easy-to use Learning platform houses all materials & resources in one place
- Student Guide and handbook - digital + printable
- Assessments to support information review & retention
- Formatted text transcriptions
- NEW for 2023: Searchable video transcriptions
- UPGRADED Care Team presence in every session for support
- UPGRADED: Office hours, including technical support
Professional Advancement & Recognition
- Final Projects for applied learning & peer review
- Qualification for ESJ-only "Deep Dive Depth Tracks" trainings post-program
- Beautiful Certificate of Completion upon fulfilling requirements
"We live in unprecedented times. It can be difficult to know how to engage effectively and sustainably towards a fairer, more socially just world.
Together we will explore how a body-centered approach to collective liberation can help us unlearn oppressive social systems, repair agreements, and rebuild trust with one another."
Real ESJ Certificate Participants

Curriculum Structure
The curriculum walks participants through an arc of four aspects of embodiment: starting with a solid foundation; situating that learning within the body; seeing possible applications in society; and finally returning to self where we must each do our own work.
Within each aspect, students are invited to journey into greater awareness, personal exploration, somatic opening and integration.
NOTE: The 2023 module titles are still in development and will be shared at the first Info Session. Below is representative.
The faculty showing above are CONFIRMED for 2023.

Foundations of Embodied Justice:
- The Roots of Embodied Social Justice
- Abolition as a Framework for Healing
- Decolonizing the Learning Body
- 400 Years of Inequality
- The Trauma of Caste

The Body in Liberation:
- Somatic Abolitionism
- Queering the Body
- Practices for Transformation
- The Body in Navigating Systems and Building Alliances
- Embodied Imagining and Ritual Practice

Applications In Society & Movements
- Cultivating a Healing-Centered Paradigm
- Embodied Conflict Resolution
- Community-Based Public Safety
- Parenting (and Re-parenting) as an Abolitionist
- Global Warming Woman
- Somatic Archaeology©
- The Biopolitics of Embodiment: Dismantling Ableism and the Medical Industrial Complex

Returning To Self + Electives
- Embodied Leadership
- Embodiment, Activism, and the Arts
- Harm Reduction
- Creative + Courageous Conversations
NEW Bonuses for ALL Registrants of 2023 Program
At the final live info session for this year's program, Rev. angel unleashed a barrage of special bonuses. She is activating these retroactively for all registrants, and everyone that registers before the countdown timer expires.
The intention is make your investment in the program even more valuable and make your decision a no-brainer so you can GET OFF THE FENCE & GET IN NOW -- these bonuses will disappear at any time after the clock counts down.
First Access to ESJC 2021 & 2022 videos PLUS 50% Discount ($500-900 value)
VIDEO: Harm vs. Hurt - w/ Rev. angel Kyodo williams & Resmaa Menakem ($127 value)
VIDEO: The Embodiment Talk ($97 value)
$100 Discount to pre-recording + new release of: Practices of Belonging ($100 value)
Total Value: $827-$1227
ALL these bonuses are yours when you register before the countdown timer expires.
2023 Certificate Schedule
If you are unable to attend live, all sessions will be recorded to watch in your own time.
- Sunday, March 26: 6pm - 8pm ET | 3pm – 5pm PT Replay Now Available
- White-Bodied Training with Kerri Kelly (attendance required either in-person or via video replay for those who identify as White)
- Monday, April 3: 12noon - 2 pm ET | 9am – 11am PT
- Student-Faculty Mixer
- Wednesday, April 5: 12noon - 2 pm ET | 9am – 11am PT
- Student Orientation
- Monday, April 10 - Friday, June 30: Weekly Classes & Sessions
- LIVE SESSIONS: Mondays and Wednesdays: 12noon - 2pm ET | 9am- 11am PT
- NIGHT WATCH**: Mondays and Wednesdays: 7pm - 9pm ET | 4pm - 6pm PT
[**NEW for 2023: "Night Watch" re-casts the session presentation from earlier with a live facilitator. This allows for accountability, flexibility and interaction with a later joining (in western hemisphere) cohort.] - Additional Friday Integration Sessions: 7pm - 9pm ET | 4pm - 6pm PT (as scheduled)
- Saturday, July 1: Students begin working on Final Projects, office hours available upon request
- Monday, July 31: Final Projects due by 8pm ET | 5pm PT
- August 13 - 19: Final Project Presentations & Feedback
- VIRTUAL "In Your House" DANCE PARTY tba
- August 31: Certificates of Completion issued to graduating Students
What People Say About ESJ

"This has been the most foundational, impactful, and life affirming training I have every been able to be a part of. The community that was created was so rich, authentic, and filled with deep listening and learning. I am beyond grateful for the space that was offered."
- Keila M.

"My primary ah-ha this year was not so much about what to do, but how to be and that means the ongoing work is to practice bringing all of me, with me. When that hesitant pause of "how shall I respond?" arises, that's opportunity to presence my whole self."
- Cheryl H.

"I feel braver and so much more capable of being my full self and bringing my authentic beliefs and ideas into my work towards embodied liberation. "
- Rita M.